Elder Law

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Elder Law in Canada is an area of legal practice dedicated to providing advice and services to elderly individuals. It covers a broad range of topics including estate planning, retirement planning, long-term care planning, incapacity planning, elder abuse prevention and protection, public benefits for seniors, and much more.

Aging Population

The Canadian population is aging rapidly with over 5 million Canadians aged 65 and older. As the baby boomer generation continues to reach retirement age this number will only continue to increase. This means that there is an ever-growing need for elder law services in Canada.


Individuals who require assistance and advice on their finances, health care decisions or other matters related to their basic rights as seniors often come into contact with Elder Law practitioners. An Elder Law lawyer can help protect the rights of elderly individuals while also helping them plan for the future.

Estate Planning

Estate planning is a significant part of Elder Law in Canada, as it enables individuals to make decisions about how their wealth and assets will be distributed following death or incapacitation. This includes creating wills and trusts that ensure an individual's wishes are clear after they are gone. Retirement planning can also be done through an Elder Law practice as these lawyers can provide invaluable advice about saving for senior years or investing funds after retirement has begun.

Long-term care planning

Long-term care planning is an important aspect of Elder Law in Canada. Long-term care plans help seniors prepare for any future medical needs such as home health care or nursing home expenses by setting aside funds or exploring government benefits available to those who qualify.

Incapacitation planning

Incapacitation planning ensures that if a person becomes mentally incapable of making decisions concerning their well being they have already arranged someone else (a power of attorney) to make those decisions on their behalf according to their wishes as previously stated in documents such as living wills and advance directives. Part of incapacity planning might also include giving instructions concerning end-of-life decisions such as funeral arrangements or organ donation instructions which may not be legally binding but still useful information nonetheless.

Elder abuse prevention and protection

Elder abuse prevention and protection is another concern addressed by Elder Law practitioners in Canada; this type of abuse is all too common against our elderly population with some studies suggesting that 1 out of 10 seniors may experience some form of financial exploitation at one point in their lives - something that a lawyer specializing in Elder Law can help prevent from happening by monitoring accounts closely or providing legal remedies when necessary.. Additionally, public benefits for seniors are something else looked at closely by Elders Lawyers; many government programs exist that grant financial aid or other types of assistance to those who qualify based on income levels or other criteria - something which a lawyer can help explain clearly along with the eligibility requirements for each program.

How we can help

Elder Law attorneys are invaluable resources for anyone seeking guidance concerning issues related to growing old; whether it’s estate planning, protecting themselves from elder abuse or applying for government benefits - these lawyers offer support throughout every step at every stage - making sure our elders have peace of mind now and into the future.